Nykvarn kommuns logga

Civil marriage

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Marriage officiants are appointed by the County Administrative Board. In the municipality of Nykvarn there are four marriage officiants. You can also engage a marriage officiant from another part of the country, even though you are a resident of Nykvarn, as long as this officiant is appointed by a Swedish County Administrative Board.

County Administrative Board has a list of all marriage officiants.

The originals of the certificate of no impediment and the marriage licence must be provided to the Service Center along with the marriage ceremony booking at least three weeks prior to the marriage ceremony.

Street address: Service Center in Nykvarn’ s Kommunhus, Centrumvägen 24 A

Postal address: Nykvarns Kommun, Servicecenter, 155 80 Nykvarn

Marriage is free of cost if one of the parties is registered as a resident in Nykvarn in the Swedish national population register.

If neither party is registered in the Swedish national population register as a resident in Nykvarn, you must pay an administration fee of 1000 SEK. The fee is paid by bank transfer, bankgiro 5376-3975. State name and date of marriage ceremony.

The fee is paid when you hand over the documents; the money must be received by the municipality before the ceremony can start.

At least two individuals who are of age must attend the marriage ceremony. They must be able to prove their identity.

You and your two witnesses must identify yourselves to the marriage registrar.

The municipality offers marriage ceremonies in Swedish and English. It is important that you understand what is being said during the ceremony.

If you require an interpreter,
you must hire and pay for a trained interpreter yourself. The couple being married pay any travel expenses for the interpreter.
The couple being married cannot interpret for each other. The interpreter can also be a witness at the wedding.

We cannot offer any facilities for wedding in the town hall of Nykvarn, but we can perform a marriage ceremony at other locations in Nykvarn on your suggestion and agreement with the marriage registrar.

We inform the Swedish Tax Agency that the marriage has taken place. The Swedish Tax Agency has a turnaround time of between three and five weeks until they can issue registered personal information showing that you are married.

Prior to booking time for a marriage ceremony, you must apply for a certificate of no impediment through the Swedish Tax Agency. Individuals who are registered abroad must also apply for a certificate of no impediment.

If there are no impediments to marriage you will receive two certificates. One regarding impediments and the other a marriage licence. The certificates are valid for four months.

If you wish to change your surname you can apply for this through the Swedish Tax Agency when applying for a marriage licence.

Read more about what applies to you on the Swedish Tax Agency’ s website.

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